PoSH trainings @ educate PoSH

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PoSH trainings @ educate PoSH


ICC training


Educateposh.com offers training and On-boarding Sessions for prevention of sexual harassment to organizations. Educateposh.com offers PoSH training intended for multiple audiences in your organization. Educateposh.com PoSH training is tailored for multiple roles inside your organization; our poSH training is designed for your starting level worker to CXO of your organization. Educateposh.com training is tailored into multiple levels starting from


Basic understating of PoSH


  • Roles and responsibility of every worker
  • Educateposh.com helps in constituting ICC Internal committee
  • Functions of ICC, educateposh.com helps in defining the roles of ICC
  • Training for ICC members, we offer Intensive 1-2 days training for constituted ICC members



Awareness program for employees


Our educateposh.com Prevention of sexual harassment training is tailored for multiple /different roles in a typical organization. Our prevention of sexual harassment training starts with the basic understanding of the law, to interactive tutorials, videos and training materials designed to keep your employees involved and fully understand prevention of sexual harassment. In many organization workers do not know what constitutes sexual harassment.


After our prevention of sexual harassment training your employees will be able to identify and understand the basics of sexual harassment and work towards prevention of sexual harassment.


Providing NGO


At educateposh.com we provide in NGO support for ICC trainings. NGO is required for all ICC meeting which go into allegations of sexual harassment against your employees. We have lawyers and women who specialize in workplace safety and women's Welfare as part of our NGO support.

Having an external NGO is not only mandated by the PoSH Act but also is an important safety measure for not conducting namesake ICC meetings.


External NGO member in ICC provides required support and impartiality for ICC in your organization. Educate PoSH.com can help you get relevant NGO to prevent sexual harassment at your workplace.




We also provide Anti sexual harassment posters which can be strategic placed across your organization. Having posters not only reiterate  your organization’s importance to preventing sexual harassment at your workplace but also constitutes an important aspect in reiterating your commitment towards preventing sexual harassment in your organization. Posters which are placed at strategic location acts as a deterrent to your employees since they see the posters in their everyday life. Posters prevents sexual harassment to am varying extent


Annual submission of documents to nodal officer


Annual submission of documents to Nodal Officer constitutes an important aspect in making your organization sexual harassment free. Educateposh.com takes the pain out of your organization; we submit the documents directly to the Nodal Officer there by ensuring end to end compliance for all prevention of sexual harassment related matters. Your organization is free from hassles of submitting the documents and other regulatory requirements which take the burden away from your management. We will coordinate on a regular basis to ensure your organization is fully compliant with the prevention of sexual harassment Act 2013.


Refresher courses


Our posh trainings are not one time effort, we also conduct regular refresher courses as and when required by your organization and as mandated by the law so that people do not forget about the training which was imparted by your organization. Refresher courses on preventing sexual harassment also ensure your initial investment on making your organization anti-harassment free does not go in vain.



Online certification


Our PoSH online training and certification module ensures every employee in your organization is complaint with prevention of sexual harassment practices. Your employees can log into our online certification module at any given time to complete the online certification on prevention of sexual harassment. This not only ensures regulatory compliance but also trains your employees in understanding and preventing sexual harassment, thereby creating a safe working environment for one and all. After successful completion of the online certification your employees will be presented with an online certificate which can be downloaded and kept at the employee’s desk for reference.



Printed certification


We can also give printed certificates to all the employees was successfully completed our online certification if required by your organization.