Enable Prevention of Sexual harassment

Enable PoSH

Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at workplace act defines list of things which every employer is expected to adhere to, We are just enablers.

Sexual harassment is not only in the narrow sense affects women, it also affects the company on a large scale. if your organization is destined for growth it must provide a safe working environment for everyone.

Enabling PoSH is the next logical step , first step being educating employees on preventing sexual harassment. Educating employees is not sufficient if there are no steps to enable prevention effectively.

We are educateposh.com enable your organisation to effectively implement prevention of sexual harassment at your workplace.

Educateposh.com enables the following at a very high level.

Enable precautionary measures to minimise the risk of sexual harassment, this may include enbaling all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace

Enable prevention of sexual harassment training and enable employees attend the training and ensure all your employees understand and prevent sexual harassment.

Enable two main actions

  • Take all steps to prevent sexual harassment at workplace
  • Enable all steps to remedy if sexual harassment occurs