How I suffered on sexual harassment


How I suffered on sexual harassment

Sexual harassment at workplace many times is hidden in the minutest forms that are perceived normal under the purview of work culture which includes modern attitude, so called liberal mind set and liberal views and the likes.

Sexual harassment at workplace invariably explodes itself in the form of mental and emotional provocation invariably arising out of sexually abusive incidents or acts which are always not comfortable for the affected person.

Gender relations are tied in everyday workplace interactions and men poses the power to sexually evaluate women at every stage which is what they think and practice and it is not true at all .

Women for taking offensive behavior on the other hand invariably meets this with surprise and disbelief and they should understand that  most importantly sexual harassment at workplace comes in so many forms and this not limited to physical or sexual abuse only.

My experience on sexual harassment

In the year 2014 I started working as an officer with an advertising agency looking after the administration from what I recall most of the days at that company went unproductive and I think I failed miserably in keeping deadlines or generating results or doing the regular activity.

I had to quit my job after few months and it was almost  two to three years to realize that I got affected and to what extent it affected my mind is that everything went down and down and  my entire self -confidence was wiped out in 1 stroke and to regain it actually took a couple of years

It all began with the discussion with my superior 2 years before when I entered my superiors cabin and found myself in the midst of lot of other superiors and fellow colleagues in that room. I was guided to sit on a chair and that was when I was nervous.

My superior Boss insisted that I smile to prove that I am not nervous, even though I told I was not nervous but I could not smile because there was tension moving inside me as suddenly when I saw so many colleagues in that room.

The discussion proceeded and  I was asked to talk about my activity daily and what have contributed in that,even though no clear work rules or what I need to do in the office was informed. I was simply asked to describe what I have been doing and how it has contributed to the growth of the company.

My senior asked others to leave that room and simply abused me with sexually  oriented comments which was further demotivated me and I didn't know what you do and to my disbelief he continued to say unwarranted comments about my body and the way in which I keep sitting in the office,etc.

I came out crying and I didn't know how to react and it kept on ringing in my mind and I didn't know where to complaint as he was my superior boss and the organization didn't have any committee to make me heard and to hear my concern and this resulted in the deterioration of my activity inside the office and I had to leave the job and it took 2 years for me to regain my last ground and grit, for me to apply for another job.

Hence this story will be a awakener for other woman who are  belittled in their office to raise their voice and ensure that they get what is due to them rather than simply succumbing  to the situation and leaving the job. Not at all correct .

We should remember that we have the right and we can demand our due duly by raising our voice at the right time as and when required instead of simply accepting whatever superior says. Government of India has framed an act on PoSH -  prevention of sexual harassment of women at workplace in the year 2014 and this can be an useful  law which can safeguard the interest of people like us and others who are treated like this in a healthy way and penalize the offenders and gives equal rights to us like men.

Thanks to the courts of India for framing the Visaka Guidelines and the Government of India in enacting the law on PoSH – The PoSH Act – 2013 .

Sexual harassment at work